Saturday, October 27, 2012

Potage Cultivateur

2012-10-14 19.32.52

Sorry it’s taken so long for me to get to the next recipe. Between school and work, I don’t have a ton of time for posting these days! I’ll do my best to make more regular updates, but this is kind of the nature of the beast right now.

Anyway, Potage Cultivateur is a hearty vegetable soup and would normally not exactly belong on a site called Screw Your Diet. It’s actually quite good, and good for you. It’s not an especially difficult soup to make either, though it can be time consuming due to the type of knife cut it calls for. The cut is called paysanne, and basically that means you’re looking for relatively flat squares, about ½” x ½”. While you don’t have to cut your vegetables in this way, it certainly makes for a nice presentation and helps to ensure that they’ll all be cooked evenly - it’s worth the extra bit of effort.

Difficulty: Moderate
Active Prep Time: About 45 minutes
Total Prep Time: 1 hour
Special Equipment: None
Serves: 2 – 3


  • 3 cups vegetables stock or broth
  • ½ white leek
  • 2 - 3 cabbage leaves
  • ½ large carrot
  • ½ turnip, peeled
  • ½ potato
  • 7 - 8 green beans
  • ¼ cup peas
  • 3 - 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1 bouquet garni
    • 1 - 2 Parsley Stems
    • 1 sprig of thyme
    • 1 bay leaf
    • 1 piece of celery
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

(Ignore the green onion in the picture. Not sure why it’s there! Also, there should be carrots.)

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1. Cut up your turnip, potato, leek whites, and carrot into smallish squares. Blanch your cabbage leaves (dip them in boiling water for about 30 seconds, then shock them in an ice bath), and cut them into small squares as well. Set the pieces of cabbage aside.

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2. In a sauce pot, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the carrots and sweat them for about 2 minutes. Add the leek to the pot and sweat for another 2 minutes. Next add potato and turnip, and sweat for another 2 minutes.

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3. Add stock to the pot as well as a bouquet garni and simmer for 8 – 10 minutes. While it simmers, blanch your green beans the same way as the cabbage. Cut the beans into a few pieces each, then add to the pot. Continue simmering for another 10 minutes.

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4. Add half the peas to the pot and simmer for 2 more minutes. In the meantime, place the cabbage and remaining peas in a warmed soup bowl.

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5. Season the soup as needed with salt and pepper, then ladle it into the bowl and serve hot.

2012-10-14 19.32.52

1 comment:

  1. Je l'ai accommodé: un peu plus de poireaux et carottes, ai enlevé des petits pois et haricots, pour aller plus vite mais aussi pour faire ressortir davantage le goût du choux - c'était très bon..
